Wednesday, March 12, 2014

femslut21 Original : Toy Time

Another caption for you. That makes one in February and one in March. Is it possible that I am back on my monthly publishing schedule? Only time will tell.

As usual you can see some of the captions I have liked over at my curated captions site.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Tumblr Recommendations One

It seems like some TG captioners are moving away from blogger and onto the more lightweight blogging platform tumblr. Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere.

There are lots of good quality TG captions on tumblr, but it can be difficult to find them in all the noise. Between the image macros demanding "reshare this if you are a sissy" and the "ask me something dirty" requests and the so called TG captions that barely have three words on them locating sexy captions that tell a brief dirty story can be hard.

So what tumblr blogs have some nice captions? Try these on for a start. I will look to find more in the future.