Monday, December 31, 2012

femslut21 Original : The Test

This one counts as my punishment for being late in November. Considering the time I don't think that the December caption will arrive on time. So I will again owe you three captions in the month of January.

1 - Your late, but regularly scheduled December caption.
2 - Your bonus caption because December was late.
3 - Your regularly scheduled January caption.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

femslut21 Original : The Proof of the Pansy

Of my recent captions I think I like this one the best.

I'm falling behind my self-imposed schedule again. This one counts as the late caption for November. I still owe you a bonus caption as penance for being late in November and your regularly scheduled caption for December.

Most of you know about it already, but if you don't please check out my tumblr where I share links to excellent TG captions by my favorite authors.